Advancement of medical science is bringing forth many interesting findings for humans. We know that vitamins and minerals are essential for smooth functioning of a body. Various functions and activities are regulated by these nutrients and their deficiency might lead to different kinds of issues. For instance, among the different vitamins that are needed by the body, vitamin D3 needs special mention. Nano sensors have been able to track the effects of vitamin D3 on cells. Results have shown that cell damage inflicted on the heart by high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, diabetes and other metabolic conditions can be repaired with the help of vitamin D3.
Lots of research and studies are being done on this in Ohio University. Study leader Dr. Tadeusz Malinski in collaboration with his other colleagues have come to a conclusion that vitamin D3 is high on antioxidant qualities. Not only this, vitamin D3 has stimulatory effects for the nitric oxide (NO) component as well. Together, vitamin D3 has great impact on restoration and regeneration of heart cells. As per Dr. Tadeusz Malinski, there are not many systems or components which have the capability of restoring damaged cardiovascular endothelial cells; however vitamin D3 can do the same successfully.
It is very difficult to get vitamin D through foods. Basically the body makes vitamin D when it is exposed to sunlight. When that is not possible, one has to seek help from the various kinds of vitamin D3 supplementation available in the market. The supplement can be taken in the form of gel-based capsules or even in the form of vitamin D3 drops. Interestingly, these supplements are not expensive and readily available. And when it comes to getting vitamin D3 from exposure to sun, it is abundant!
In the medical world, there is a challenge going on aiming to establish vitamin D dietary reference values (DRVs). There is constant debate on the fact as how much vitamin D3 is synthesized in the body with sun exposure and how much is obtained from other sources like food supplements. Generally it is recommended to have around 15 micrograms of vitamin D per day for all healthy individuals, who are more than one year old. Achieving this value by mere exposure to sun might not be possible always. This is the reason demands of vitamin D3 supplements have risen considerably over the years.
Details of the study – connection of vitamin D3 and its effects on heart cells
The unique approach of Dr. Tadeusz Malinski for establishing connection between vitamin D3 and its effects on heart cells used nanosensors, which are 200-300 mm in diameter. The sensors also have detection limit of 1 nanometer in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. These nanosensors had the capability of detecting peroxynitrite (ONOO-) concentrations and nitric oxide (NO) in situ in endothelial cells in Caucasian American and African American donors.
In the study, the imbalance and balance between nitric oxide and peroxynitrite concentrations were monitored closely. Nitric oxide plays a pivotal role in regulating blood flow in the body and also prevents clot formation. Levels of nitric oxide are studied to understand the health of cardiovascular system in the body. If there is proper balance of nitric oxide and peroxynitrite, one has healthy cardiovascular system. Vitamin D3 is a stimulator in producing NO. As a result, oxidative stress is significantly reduced in the cardiovascular system with this component. Endothelial function was restored in the body as nitric oxide concentrations are increased and cytotoxic ONOO- are reduced.
Due to these effects, vitamin D3 has been proved to be beneficial in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension along with myocardial infarction, heart failure, diabetes, stroke, vasculopathy and so on.
Vitamin D3 and bone health – the known connection
In many cases it has been seen that patients who suffered from heart attack usually have deficiency of vitamin D3. There is no evidence that the deficiency is the cause of the heart attack; but the risks of attack increase significantly with the deficiency.
Most of us know that vitamin D3 is closely related to bone health. Vitamin D3 supplementations are recommended for treatment of various kinds of bone diseases and have given great results. However, for treating dysfunctional cardiovascular system with vitamin D3, higher doses might be required for the supplementation.